all the apricots and peaches stood up and shouted, "WHaT SAY YOU?"

lundi, août 09, 2004

wenta watch the fireworks at the bay yesterday evening. couldn't find a decent spot or the space to walk. man... when i finally found some place to stand and the fireworks started... guess what. there was a big fa t tree standing in the way, exactly blocking the view of the artsy thing. the rest of the background was just the plain night sky. how spectacular.
temper running high-- the odour of thousands of bodies squeezed together,
the cry of little kiddos and the contrasting chuckling of others... oh boy,
and then the burst of the fireworks reminded me of the beauty that still existed in certain forms, and its capability of enlightenment.
i left the crowded scene,
30 minutes of suffering, 7 minutes of enjoyment.
but it sure was worth the wait.
from the unpatriotic me comes the most unlikely well-wish: happy national day!


+ + + + +

all apricots reserve their right to be eaten
all peaches plead to be savoured
and the apricots and peaches agree that together, they make the perfect dessert
and indeed, they did.